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Summer Holiday Camp (Single Day)

130 Australian dollars
Redfern|Wentworth Park (Playing Fields)

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please note that due to a requirement to book staff in advance to match the number of players who have registered, we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations. By enrolling into & attending the Sydney Lions Soccer Academy Holiday Camp, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions below: 1. You consent for Sydney Lions Soccer Academy staff to use for publicity and advertising purposes, photographs of participants taken at camp, unless actively stating otherwise. 2. All relevant medical, behavioural or additional information must be declared prior to the first day of the camp. Child drop off/collection and transportation 1. The authorised parent or guardian must sign their child/ children in and out of the School Holiday every morning and afternoon. 2. At the conclusion of Holiday Camp if a child has still not been collected an additional fee of $20 per child per 15 minutes after pick-up time will be charged. This fee needs to be paid in cash at pick-up. Behaviour Guidelines All participants have the right to be involved in a positive environment, maintaining positive relationships throughout; bullying, inappropriate comments, violence & repeated misbehaviour will not be tolerated. Failure for any participant to uphold/maintain appropriate behaviour guidelines may result in the following: - If a child’s behaviour does not improve despite all efforts, Sydney Lions Soccer Academy may have to ask the parents to remove the child from the program. This is an extremely rare situation and would only ever be a last resort. - Sydney Lions Soccer Academy reserves the right to refuse or terminate enrolment of a child if there is repetitive breach of appropriate behaviour. - Any costs incurred as a result of damaged property will be charged to the parent/guardian. - No refund of the program fee will be provided to participants removed for behavioural reasons.

Contact Details

  • National Centre of Indigenous Excellence, George Street, Redfern NSW, Australia

  • Wentworth Park Soccer Fields, Wentworth Park Road, Glebe NSW, Australia

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